

question one (1)

                                                Class –XII                                            F.M.- 37.5                                                                              
                                                Subject-Zoology                                   P.M.-14

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
A.     Give very short answer (any seven) 1×7=7

1.      Write the formula for spinal nerves in human CNS.
2.      Why blood group A person cannot donate blood group B person?
3.      Name pigments needed for vision in dim light and bright light.
4.      What is ornithine cycle?
5.      Write two importance of amniocentesis.
6.      What is grey crescent?
7.      Give the name of fat soluble vitamins.
8.      Define pace maker.
9.      What is Henle’s loop?
10.  Differentiate between glycogenolysis and glycogenesis.

                        B. Describe in brief (any five)                                               3×5=15

11.   What are exotic fishes? Discuss the importance of fisheries in Nepal.
12.  Discuss briefly about test-tube baby and its importance.
13.  Discuss the causes and effect of over-population.
14.  Describe the role of pituitary gland in endocrinology.
15.  Write about the ventricles of brain.
16.  Describe the structure and function of human eye.
17.  What are leucocytes? Describe the different type of leucocytes.

                        C. Discuss transmission of nerve impulse in a neuron and synapse with diagram.
Describe the Causative agent, types, symptoms, diagnosis, preventive measures and treatment of tuberculosis. 7.5
                        D. What are tropic hormones? Describe the physiological functions and disorders of adrenal gland. 8

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